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Virtual Studio Code

The currently only acceptable way to run vscode on the cluster is via the JHPCE Web Portal. By default, running VSCode with the normal "Remote-SSH" extension will run on the JHPCE login node, and this puts undue stress on the login node.

RStudio Server

If you’re trying to run a Singularity image program like RStudio Server which requires creating an SSH tunnel, you cannot issue a Ctrl+C key combination from within the terminal window of VSCode. That’s (almost certainly) not going to work. The Ctrl+C sends an interrupt back to your original ssh connection from your laptop to the JHPCE login node. Since you’re using vscode to make that connection, it’s not a “real” ssh session, so it won’t be able to interpret the Ctrl+C. We don’t believe there is a way around that… but if you find one please let us know.

More information is at