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SSH - Key Information

Authoring Note

This page contains both good information and a bunch that needs to be reviewed, reorganized. Take what you need and leave the rest. This page should be organized around SSH usage concepts with the per-OS implementation details contained within the sections. Windows users: We're not going to document how to do each thing in Putty, Cygwin, etc. Only MobaXterm. The way to accomplish some of the same goals in MobaXterm would be nice to identify (probably in new sections in the existing MobaXterm configuration document). Material like the section "Mac-specific configuration" describes ssh per-user config file syntax and content. Most of it applies to Linux users as well. So perhaps rename such material to be "CLI SSH"?

SSH Basics

Access to the JHPCE cluster requires the use of SSH. Over time, the ability to launch applications via a web interface will increase, but for the foreseeable future you will need to be able to SSH in and then use command line UNIX skills to do your work.

SSH stands for Secure SHell. SSH is actually a set of internet standard protocols. Programs implementing these protocols include both command line interface (CLI) tools and those with graphic user interfaces (GUI). They all enable you to make secure, encrypted connections from one computer to the next.

Depending on the kind of operating system your computer uses, you may or may not need to install SSH software.

Apple Macs come with CLI SSH tools pre-installed. You use them by entering commands in the Terminal app. You can install GUI apps from various vendors, but we will only discuss the CLI tools except for some file transfer GUI programs.

On a Windows system you will need to install an ssh client. We recommend the excellent GUI program MobaXterm. Here is a document describing how to use it. There are other programs, such as the PuTTY family of tools and WinSCP.

SSH Keys

SSH programs make use of something called public-key cryptography. Basically secure communications can be created by splitting a secret into to parts, and placing one part on each end of a link.

This can be extended to an optional pair of files you can generate and distribute such that one is located on the JHPCE cluster and the other is on your computer. Or smartphone!

This key pair of files is generated once, and protected with a passphrase. You place a copy of the "public" key file on JHPCE in a particular place with specific permissions. You keep a copy of the "private" key file on your personal device(s). Once you prove to a program (ssh-agent) running on your device that you know the passphrase to your private key file, it will thereafter provide your private key when you run an SSH command.

Once configured properly, you can use SSH keys instead of your JHPCE password.

SSH Keys described by another cluster

Just yanked in here from our Knowledgebase document

Authoring Note

This material needs to be placed in the right places.

Login howto

  • When ssh-ing into the cluster you will be prompted for 2 pieces of information.
  • First you will be prompted for “Verification Code:”, and for this you will enter the 6 digit number from your authenticator app (we recommend Google authenticator).
  • Next you will be prompted for “Password:”; this you this will use a traditional password that only you know. Note that when entering your Verification Code and Password, your cursor will not move when you type, so it will appear like nothing is happening. + If you have never accessed the cluster before, and “Initial Verification Code” and “Initial Password” will be provided to you during your JHPCE Cluster Orientation session.
  • If you only get prompted for “Password” and not “Verification Code”, you are likely using the wrong login ID. Your login ID is provided to you during the JHPCE orientation; it is not the same as your JHED ID.
  • If you have entered your credentials correctly, you will see a login banner for the JHPCE cluster, and you will be sitting at a shell prompt on the login node. However, if you are prompted for “Verification Code:” again, you likely mistyped either your password or Verification Code, and you should wait until your Google Authenticator code changes (it changes every 30 seconds) and you will need to try logging in again.
  • If you have tried several times to login, and you try to ssh again and get a “Connection Refused” message, you will need to wait 30 minutes before trying to login again.
  • If you continue to have login issues, please contact

  • 2 Factor Authentication

Unix-based machines (linux and mac osx)

(((((((IN 2024 DO WE NEED TO SPECIFY A DIFFERENT (STRONGER) ENCRYPTION TYPE???))))))) + First, on your local laptop/desktop, open a terminal and cd into your home directory and invoke the ssh key generator:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • You will be prompted for a passphrase. For security reasons, we require that you use a passphrase to protect your key. This prevents someone who gets access to your private key file from being able to use it!!!!! For the other questions, you can select the default values.
  • The key generator will put two files in the .ssh subdirectory of your home directory, typically ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/
  • You should only ever have to run the ssh key generator once on your local host. If you have already configured passwordless login and you run the key generator a second time, it will overwrite your previous public and private key files. This will break all password-less logins that you set up with your previous keys.
  • Next you want to copy your public key file to the remote host and append it to the authorized_keys file in the .ssh subdirectory of your home directory on the remote host.
  • If there is no ~/.ssh directory in the remote host, you will need to login to the remote host and create one. Note, attempting to connect to another host, like ssh, will create one if it isn't there already.
  • You can perform the copy and append operations in one line as follows;

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh <your_userid> 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
+ Where you replace <your_userid> with your JHPCE userid and where you enter your JHPCE password when you are prompted for it by ssh. + To test that everything is working you should be able to log into the remote host from your local host with the following commandssh <your_userid> + When you start ssh, you will be prompted for the passphrase that you used to protect your key. To avoid having to enter your passphrase every time you use ssh, you can use the ssh-agent program. To use ssh-agent, run

The ssh-agent will remain active for as long as your desktop or laptop is up and running. If you reboot your desktop/laptop, you will need to rerun the ssh-add and ssh-agent commands.

Loging into nodes

Authoring Note

(((This isn't true if you use srun. Is it even true in JHPCE 3.0 anyway Also, do we want to be suggesting that people log into compute nodes?)))

Logging into a cluster node from a login node requires keypairs. If your private key file is in .ssh/ then it should work, since the public key file is in your authorized_keys file. If you do not want the same private key file to be used to log into nodes as the one used to log into the login node, then repeat create a new public private key / public key pair on the cluster. Append the public key to yourauthorized_key file. Note, when appending, add the public key, do not overwrite the existing file.

Many users set up an alias for the ssh command so they don’t have to type as much to log into the remote host. You can do this by adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc, alias hpc='ssh -X <your_userid>'.

Windows machines

If your desktop/laptop runs Microsoft Windows then you first need to install MobaXterm on your windows machine. If you are using MobaXterm, please use the steps at the bottom of our MobaXterm configuration page.

Permissions on SSH Files

SSH is very strict about the permissions found on your ssh-related files on both ends of a connection. These files are found on JHPCE in your home directory inside the directory .ssh Because this directory's name begins with a period, it is not listed when you use the ls program -- you have to use ls -a or ls -ld ~/.ssh to see it.

The primary symptom of there being a file permissions problem is that ssh is still asking for a password when you think it should not. Sometimes you get a helpful error message Bad owner or permissions on <a specific ssh-related file>

These rules are normally found to be broken on the remote side of a connection, but the permissions on your computer also matter. Different SSH programs may keep ssh-related files in different places, especially if they are on Windows computers.


This table shows you two forms of the chmod command arguments needed to force permissions to be acceptable by SSH. The most convenient notation used by chmod is an octal (base-8) number. The most readable notation is a comma-separated combination of letters.

These two commands are equivalent:

  • chmod 700 $HOME/.ssh
  • chmod u+rwx,g-rwx,o-rwx $HOME/.ssh
File/Directory Octal Human Readable Note
$HOME 755 or tighter g-w,o-w Not writable by group or other
$HOME/.ssh 700 u+rwx,g-rwx,o-rwx No access by group or other
$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys 600 u+rw,g-rwx,o-rwx Authorized keys file
$HOME/.ssh/config 600 u+rw,g-rwx,o-rwx Config file
$HOME/.ssh/id_* 600 u+rw,g-rwx,o-rwx Private key files
$HOME/.ssh/id_*.pub 644 u+rw,g+r,g-wx,o+r,o-wx Public key files

SSH and X11

See our document on X11 for instructions on making ssh work to support X11 displays.

Mac-specific Configuration


You do not need to do ANY configuration for things to work, including running X11. All you need to do is to install the XQuartz package to support X11 window display. (The following material assumes you have installed it, and rebooted afterwards.)

You can choose to put configuration information into a file in your home directory to make your life easier by, for example, specifying the username of some remote computer if it differs from your local username. If you do that, then you no longer have to provide that information for every ssh command. However, you then need to remember that you have made choices in that file when something doesn't work the way you expect.

Config File Overview

SSH is a client-server program. SSH client programs like ssh connect over networks to SSH server programs (usually named sshd). You don't have to worry about sshd configuration unless you are managing a computer that accepts incoming SSH connections. macOS and Linux computers can run sshd if you enable that service (by checking the box "Remote Login" in macOS' Sharing pane of System Preferences).

Both client and server have configuration files. There are system-wide ones for each, typically located in /etc/ssh/, and per-user ones, typically located in $HOME/.ssh, e.g. /Users/yourusername/.ssh on a Mac). A tilde symbol used in a shell like bash is a shortcut to "my home directory" so $HOME/.ssh and ~/.ssh should be equivalent ways of specifying the same directory. You can read about user SSH configuration files, the order in which they are read, and the meaning of the options, with the command man ssh_config.

Do not add anything that you do not understand !!

Changing Your Config File

You do not need ANY per-user config file for things to work, including running X11 (at least not when tested in macOS 12.6.3).

The only line you might need in your ~/.ssh/config file is this:

XAuthLocation /opt/X11/bin/xauth

if you are told that xauth is missing. This location has been the standard used by XQuartz -- it might change in the future. The file specified needs to be executable and exist at that location. You can test it by running it with the arguemnt /opt/X11/bin/xauth list

In your ~/.ssh/config file you may find some of the following options useful.

The basic structure of this file is:

  1. some general settings
  2. some (optional) host-specific settings, in stanzas
  3. some (optional) settings meant to apply to all hosts not previously specified, in a stanza which begins with a line Host *

General Settings

Useful general macOS ~/.ssh/config file settings
EnableEscapeCommandline yes # Needed for recent macOS if you want to issue an SSH escape,
#.      to create or close a tunnel for example
ForwardX11 yes        # Equiv to "-X" arg
ForwardX11Trusted yes # Equiv to "-Y" arg
XAuthLocation /opt/X11/bin/xauth  # only include if needed
# These are for users of public keys
UseKeychain yes       # look for passphrases for public keys in macOS keychain
AddKeysToAgent yes    # store passphrases for public keys in macOS keychain
# These keys are tried in order when logging in, and are loaded by your SSH agent
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ForwardAgent yes      # Equiv to the "-A" arg. For ssh'ing from 1 to 2 to 3. 
Keeping X11 forwarding enabled
ForwardX11Timeout 0 # disables the timeout, which is by default 20mins
                    # you can also set it to a time value like "336h" (2 weeks)

Keeping connections alive - method one
ServerAliveInterval 15
ServerAliveCountMax 30
# These values mean that your client ssh program will send a message to the server
# every 15 seconds, and not decide that a remote server is unresponsive until
# (15*30)=450 seconds
Keeping connections alive - method two
TCPKeepAlive no
# TCPKeepAlive defaults to YES, so you have to intentionally disable it.
# The author of this web page chose to disable TCPKeepAlive at one time (and then
# used the earlier method for many years happily) because it seemed to be the case
# that with it enabled, ssh sessions would die if the connection dropped even
# briefly.
# It is unclear how long SSH waits if TCPKeepAlive is yes. The output of this
# command may give clues, at least on Linux computers:
#     grep -T . /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive*
# In any case, normal users cannot change the duration if they use TCPKeepAlive yes

Host-specific Settings


You can specify stanzas for specific hosts in order to create short aliases for those destinations, indicate the username you use there, and control which public key is used for access. (It is recommended to use different keys for different organizations.)

Per-host definitions for convenience
Host jhpce01 j1
    User your-cluster-username
    ForwardX11 yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa.jhpce

The above stanza allows you to use this command

ssh j1

instead of this command:

ssh -X -i ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa.jhpce


Host-related definitions for all hosts not explicitly mentioned earlier
Host *
    ForwardX11 no
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/