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Tips and Conventions

We aim to create a great web site for our users. Consistency contributes to that result. Here are some conventions and time-saving tips.

PLEASE read through the Features page for ideas about ways to present information in the best manner. Materials for MkDocs has so many tools for creating attractive and useful pages!!!


When editing pages on our site, please keep these things in mind.

Update tags

as needed to reflect current document status. Example needs-to-be-written becomes in-progress as the document is fleshed out and becomes somewhat useful to users.

Remove authoring notes

as their guidance is fulfilled by your modifying the document.

Write information once, then refer to it

Instead of placing versions of the same information in multiple places, put one authoritative version in the right document and then refer to it in other documents where needed. Example: In the FAQ, the answer to a question/issue may be a simple "See this document"

Refer to specific locations within documents

Jeffrey enabled "permalink" so each section of each document can have its own URL.

Images live near their documents

Each topic subdirectory under docs/ has an images/ directory to hold images for documents in that directory. This aids in web site maintenance, as it is more clear over time which of many dozen image files on the web site are used where.

Include live near their documents

Each topic subdirectory under docs/ has an includes/ directory to hold files pulled into documents in that directory. This aids in web site maintenance, as it is more clear over time which of many dozen include files on the web site are used where.


Linking to documents within web site:

  • Because documents are divided up between directories by topic, any references you make to them need to use correct relative paths.
  • Links need to include the ".md" file name suffixes. These are not shown in the URL on the web site, but are required for links to be make correctly.

We have some documents, such as Orientation PDF, which are updated. During the updates their file names often change in order to embed date versioning info.

Instead of embedding links in our web pages to the actual PDF file, and having to find and update all of the links every time the file name changes, Jeffrey has found that creating symbolic links with well-chosen static file names to the variable file names allows the links to remain constant.

Make a target named latest-orient.pdf
cd docs/orient/images
ln -s JHPCE-Overview-CMS-2023-12-2.pdf latest-orient.pdf

Blank lines are required for some features to work:

Some elements, such as lists like this one, rely on there being a blank line above the first item. Same is true for admonitions and details.

Frontmatter Indentation:

Items in YAML at the top of many pages has to be indented according to YAML rules, or things break.

Indentation for block content:

FOUR spaces is what you need to put in front of each paragraph you want to be included in something like an admonition or detail. FOUR, no more, no less. Four spaces is also needed to nest list items.

Inspect example documents

if you want to see how something was done in practice. The features page contains many such examples.

Line numbers in code blocks

They had been enabled by default until 20240310, when Jeffrey disabled them. When enabled, you got rid of them for a cod block by adding linenums="0" after the opening three backticks and a space, i.e. ` ` ` Space linenums="0"

Now that they have been disabled, if you want line numbering, you should add linenums="1"

Add a title, too

to code blocks by adding "title words" after the opening three backticks and a space, i.e. ` ` ` Space " My title " Space linenums="0"

2 ways of embedding code blocks:

  • With HTML:
[test@compute-107 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) JHPCE_ROCKY9_DEFAULT_ENV   2) JHPCE_tools/3.0
  • With Markdown:
    [test@compute-107 ~]$ module list 
    Currently Loaded Modules:
      1) JHPCE_ROCKY9_DEFAULT_ENV   2) JHPCE_tools/3.0