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Here is information about SLURM-related commands, whether from the vendor or created by JHPCE staff members. Links are provided to online copies of the manual pages for commands. If we've written a page with advice about using the command, use the (LOCAL TIPS) link.


Do not frequently1 run slurmpic, squeue, sacct or other Slurm client commands using loops in shell scripts or other programs.

These commands all send remote procedure calls to slurmctld, the main SLURM control and scheduling daemon, They may also perform look-ups in the accounting database. That process and the database need to be highly responsive to the input/output caused by running jobs.

Ensure that programs limit calls to slurmctld to the minimum necessary for the information you are trying to gather. Add arguments to limit to needed partitions or users or job data fields, etcetera.

Locally Written Tools

Information about cluster and jobs

  • slurmpic: An essential program for getting cluster status info. Use -h option to see key usage details.
  • jobson: Displays running jobs running on a node when given a three digit node number.
  • qoverview: Quick view into number of running, pending jobs. Also jobs in "abnormal" job states (such as failed)
  • showjob: Displays job information when given a jobid. Only works for pending or running jobs. Currently simply a shortcut for scontrol show job jobid --details but hopefully in the future will produce more readable output.
  • showqos: Displays list of our QOS definitions in a readable format.
  • showreason: Show the Reason line from showjob for nodes that are in DRAIN or DOWN etc.
  • slurm-hist-all-cores: Histogram of core consumption for whole cluster
  • slurm-hist-all-mem: Histogram of RAM consumption for whole cluster
  • slurm-hist-shared-cores: Histogram of core consumption for only the shared partition
  • slurm-hist-shared-mem: Histogram of RAM consumption for only the shared partition
  • slurmuser: Displays per-user summary usage of RAM & CPU across the cluster. Can display by partition or for a specific user.
  • smem: Displays memory used by your currently running jobs. If given a jobid number, it will display info about the memory usage of that job. (no man page yet)
  • memory reporting script - puts per-user output daily into directories under /jhpce/shared/jhpce/jhpce-log/
  • useron: List nodes where a user has running jobs.

Contributed SLURM Programs We've Installed

  • reportseff: (LOCAL TIPS) Very handy tool! Displays efficiency of CPU and RAM usage for jobs, job array elements. Can be given many options to control output.
  • seff: Display efficiency of CPU and RAM usage of a single completed job. (no man page yet)
  • slurm-mail: Tool used to add details to mail sent to you. Not something you can modify. Listed for completeness.

Provided with Slurm

All of the manual pages are here, including those for the configuration files found in /etc/slurm/

Submitting Jobs

  • salloc: request an interactive job allocation (doesn't start any processes anywhere)
  • sbatch: submit a batch script to Slurm to create an allocation and run processes
  • srun: launch one or more tasks of an application using allocated resources

Information about cluster and jobs


Do not frequently1 run slurmpic, squeue, sacct or other Slurm client commands using loops in shell scripts or other programs.

These commands all send remote procedure calls to slurmctld, the main SLURM control and scheduling daemon, They may also perform look-ups in the accounting database. That process and the database need to be highly responsive to the input/output caused by running jobs.

Ensure that programs limit calls to slurmctld to the minimum necessary for the information you are trying to gather. Add arguments to limit to needed partitions or users or job data fields, etcetera.

Some SLURM commands such as sacct and squeue can display a wide variety of information. It can be complex to specify what you want to see and to format it so it is readable. We've tried to document some common choices in the LOCAL TIPS documents. A tip: you set certain environment variables to specify output arguments instead of providing the arguments on the command line. It can be useful to define these different ways in aliases or shell scripts to format output in ways you need, because simply changing the value of these variables can produce vastly different output for commands like sacct and squeue. Example variables are: SLURM_TIME_FORMAT, SACCT_FORMAT, SQUEUE_FORMAT, SQUEUE_FORMAT2, SQUEUE_SORT.

  • sacct: (LOCAL TIPS): display accounting data for jobs in the Slurm database
  • sattach: attach to a running job step
  • scontrol: (LOCAL TIPS): display (or modify when permitted) the status of Slurm entities (jobs, nodes, partitions, reservations)
  • sinfo: display node and partition information
  • sprio: (LOCAL TIPS): display the factors that comprise a job's scheduling priority
  • squeue: display the jobs in the scheduling queues, one job per line
  • sshare: display the shares and usage for each charge account and user
  • sstat: display process statistics of a running job/step
  • sview: X11 graphical tool for displaying jobs, partitions, reservations

Controlling Jobs

  • scancel: cancel or pause a job or job step or signal a running job or job step to pause
  • scontrol: (LOCAL TIPS): display (and modify when permitted) the status of Slurm entities (jobs, nodes, partitions, reservations)

For Systems Administrators

  • sacctmgr:
  • scontrol: (LOCAL TIPS): display and modify Slurm account information
  • sdiag: display scheduling statistics and timing parameters
  • slurmctld: central management daemon
  • slurmd: client-side daemon
  • sreport: generate canned reports from job accounting data and machine utilization statistics

  1. Frequently meaning more than once every five minutes. Do you REALLY need to know something sooner than that? If you want to know when a job starts, fails, or finishes, use email notification settings. You can add them to pending and running jobs using scontrol. (See sbatch manual page for possible mail types.)