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Conda Environment


Conda gives you the ability to create environments with packages and their dependencies that will be separate from other environments. This page goes over the basic usage of it.

Create an environment

  • load conda module

    module load conda
    module load anaconda

  • create a new environment

    conda create -n <evn-name>


  • Conda is a package manager, similar to pip.
  • Anaconda is a "batteries included" distribution of Python. It uses Conda as its package manager.

list environments

  • lista all your conda environment
    conda info --envs


The active environment is the one with an asterisk (*)

Install a conda package in the new created environment

conda activate env-name
conda install package-name


To install a specific version:

conda install package-name=2.3.4
To specify only a major version
conda install package-name=2

specifying channels to use

  • Channels are locations where packages are stored. By default, conda searchs for packages in its default channels. You can specify a channel when installing the package (e.g. conda-forge channel)
    conda install conda-forge::numpy


Mamba is a package manager that is fully compatible with conda but performs better on certain tasks such as resolving requirements.